The queen bee is a notorious insect. The royal jelly produced from a white milky substance secreted by the glands of the melipheral bee is the only food that the queen bee takes. This product has water, protein, sugar, fat, amino-acids, and vitamins. Its composition varies with the weather and geographical location. The queen bee only eats royal jelly, and this is the reason for its longevity and impressive size. Queen bees live up to seven years, in comparison with the short seven-week expected life-span of worker bees?
Royalactin, which is the active ingredient of royal jelly, is a unique protein responsible for the development of a bee into a queen bee. This medicinal compound, secreted by the bees, is a form of food for the entire hive, and it is a factor in the development of the larvae into queen bees. Research shows and the compound has a great antioxidant capacity, and the ability to block cholesterol.
An aleatory analytical study revealed the effects of royal jelly in controlled factors and oxidant stress of glucemia for Type-2 diabetes. The health benefits of royal jelly are significative in reducing agents. This is a finding that could be useful for diabetic patients. Previous studies showed that royal jelly could be a useful food product in helping prevent insulin resistance associated with hypertension and high blood pressure.